My Homeowners Insurance Went Up $90!!!
Posted: March 31, 2016
Here is something you might see on your own kitchen table...your mortgage company sends you an escrow adjustment statement. This most often is the result of you receiving a check back from your mortgage company the previous month...your reaction is usually, "oh a money...woooop!" The scenario goes, you deposit it and next month you get this don't read it...your next mortgage bill comes...
How Much Did You Save?
Posted: February 2, 2016
Insurance is likely one of the most competitive and hotly advertised things we use. The only thing you get more junk mail for is political campaigns, otherwise insurance advertising relentless. Save $0, 15%, in under 7 minutes, whatever...some commercials are even very funny. Fortified Insurance agency represents over 20 insurance carriers. When we shop our carriers we are providing insurance quotes that are a...
Help Us Go Green!
Posted: April 24, 2015
You recycle. You buy organic. You have a fuel efficient vehicle. You buy products from companies the use alternative energy. You look for ways to conserve and lower your carbon footprint. Do you receive your insurance policy through the mail? Most of our insurance carriers are going green and that means less paper produced and less paper mailed to you. We will be making a...
Uber and Your Automobile Insurance...Are You Covered?
Posted: April 7, 2015
Are you an Uber driver? "Private taxi" service is here and alive in the great Manchester area. These services use mobile technology to connect people who need a ride with drivers who are willing to transport them for a fee. IMPORTANT! IMO the biggest problems with this is that the Personal Auto Policy says there is no coverage for liability or physical damage if you...
Spring Flooding Prevention Tips 2015
Posted: March 23, 2015
So far this “spring” we’ve been lucky enough that temps have stayed moderately cold. Why do I say lucky? We have a substantial snowpack left in state right now and it’s been very gradually decreasing with a few warm days and the high sun. But, if we have a series of warm days or rain events, the fast melt would lead to flooding concerns. And...