Are you an Uber driver?
“Private taxi” service is here and alive in the great Manchester area. These services use mobile technology to connect people who need a ride with drivers who are willing to transport them for a fee.
IMPORTANT! IMO the biggest problems with this is that the Personal Auto Policy says there is no coverage for liability or physical damage if you are using your vehicle for “public or livery conveyance”. What is public or livery conveyance? Using your… personal vehicle to transport passengers for a fee. That is what Uber is…
Contact the office to discuss Uber and using your vehicle for fee-services…it is safe to say that if you have an accident, and you have a personal automobile policy, you won’t have coverage…period.
Keith Beausoleil, CPCU
Keith Beausoleil is an insurance agent at Fortified Insurance Agency. Fortified Insurance Agency in Manchester NH specializes in coverage for auto insurance, automobile insurance, home insurance, homeowners insurance, umbrella insurance, renters insurance, condo insurance, RV insurance, motorcycle insurance, boat insurance, personal watercraft insurance, PWC insurance, snowmobile insurance, golf cart insurance, business insurance, commercial insurance, surety bonds, rental property insurance, and more. Talk to our professional insurance agents about coverage in New Hampshire (NH) today or refer us to someone who needs an independent insurance agent.